Principal's Message

Mrs. Rani Rai
Dear Parents,
We at St. PBN Public School strive to promote holistic development of the child. We believe that school is the seat of learning not only academic value but also life skills. No nation can prosper where people have material wealth but lack the moral wealth. We believe in producing young people with a knowing mind, feeling heart and working hands. The overall development of the child is a joint responsibility of the school and the parents. I seek your whole hearted co-operation for this noble purpose. Encourage children to read books - gift them books, to mark important occasions of their life, sensitize them towards the underprivileged - make them understand the value of things and not just their price.
This portal is updated daily. All important circulars and notices are uploaded on the website from time to time.
This portal also gives you an idea of dates when school would remain closed. Kindly plan your holidays and outings during those days.
Last but not the least, I thank you for showing your faith in us for all these years. We promise you that we shall continue our drive for excellence and produce citizens replete with values.
Best Wishes,
(Rani Rai)